Novel Riverwalk

The five-story Novel Riverwalk, located within walking district to the Tampa Riverwalk and Riverwalk district, provides 395 type IIIA market rate apartments and an 854 space, precast parking deck to the Tampa area. Three discrete post-tensioned transfer podiums were designed to accommodate an extensive amenity program which included a summer kitchen, fitness room, leasing area, gaming room and more. A rooftop amenity space was designed on the wood-framed structure to provide impressive views to the southeast toward the city center.

The foundations systems included an extensive soil improvement system which implemented a deep grout injection system to accommodate an existing karst feature as well as rammed aggregate piers to improve the upper soil strata layers. The structure also includes a concrete ordinary reinforced moment frame lateral resisting system and a post-tensioned concrete transfer podium and elevated slabs at amenity areas and parking deck entrances

Project Details

Location: Tampa, FL
Number of Floors: 5

Services Provided:
Post Tensioned Concrete
Steel Design
Type III, IV, & V Wood Frame Design

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