This 21-story mixed-use structure is located Uptown
Charlotte, North Carolina across Stonewall Street from
the NASCAR Hall of Fame.
Level 1 has multiple residential spaces, the largest of
which will be home to Whole Foods. The basement, a
portion of Levels 1-8 and Level 9 are dedicated
parking for retail and residential. Residential units
are provided at Levels 3-7 (wood-framing) as well as
Levels 10-19 (high-rise). Residential amenity spaces
are provided at Levels 3, 10 and 19.
Multiple structural systems were employed in the
design of this project, including post-tensioned flat-plate
slabs, post-tensioned beams and girders,
composite structural steel framing, concrete columns,
concrete shear walls, and structural wood framing.
The foundation for the structure is a combination of
shallow spread footings bearing on rock and concrete
drilled piers.
Location: Charlotte, NC
Square Footage: 1,178,000
Number of Floors: 21
Services Provided:
High-Rise Building Design & Lateral Modeling
Post Tensioned Concrete
Deep Foundation Systems
Building Information Modeling
Retaining Structures
Type III, IV, & V Wood Frame Design
Key Staff: