This mid-rise multifamily residential structure is in The Gulch neighborhood on the southwest fringe of Downtown Nashville, Tennessee.
The project consists of five stories of type III residential construction, some of which is on grade and some of which is built on top of post-tensioned concrete podium slabs. Below the podiums, there are two levels of parking, as well as spaces for leasing, club room, and fitness.
Most of the wood-framed portion of the project is supported by elevated post-tensioned concrete podium slabs at levels 2, 3 and 4. However, there are limited areas where the wood framing bears directly on concrete slab on grade. The site slopes significantly from north (high) to south (low), which required the use of both one-story and two-story tall concrete basement walls.
Location: Nashville, TN
Services Provided:
Type III, IV, & V Wood Frame Design
Post Tensioned Concrete
Steel Design