The project consists of 275 apartment units in a five-story, wood framed building above parking and amenities. The development also includes a pool, fitness, game room, and common areas.
The structure is Type III wood framing with wood floor and roof trusses spanning between wood framed bearing walls. OSB and gypsum sheathed wood framed shear walls resist lateral loads. A cast-in-place, post tensioned concrete podium slab with concrete columns was incorporated to create larger open spaces at the ground level to accommodate amenity functions and to facilitate two levels of below grade parking. The lowest parking level is slab on grade, with the second level of parking on a post tensioned concrete slab. The structure bears on shallow concrete spread footings on soils improved with rammed aggregate piers.
Location: College Park, MD
Number of Floors: 7
Services Provided:
Post Tensioned Concrete
Type III, IV, & V Wood Frame Design
Key Staff: